
A private practice psychologist website.

    Technologies used:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • jQuery
  • PHP
  • MySQL

Landing page for webinar course about use of Metaphorical Associative Cards in psychology. Archive of all past video lectures with option to buy whichever needed. Payment system Yandex.Kassa integrated.

    Technologies used:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • jQuery
  • Bootstrap
  • PHP
  • MySQL

Small JavaScript Projects


TicTacToe Game
    User stories:
  1. I can play a game of Tic Tac Toe with the computer.
  2. My game will reset as soon as it's over so I can play again.
  3. I can choose whether I want to play as X or O.
  4. I can never actually win against the computer - at best I can tie.

Click for Demo & Code

Simon Game

Simon Game
    User stories:
  1. I am presented with a random series of button presses.
  2. Each time I input a series of button presses correctly, I see the same series of button presses but with an additional step.
  3. I hear a sound that corresponds to each button both when the series of button presses plays, and when I personally press a button.
  4. If I press the wrong button, I am notified that I have done so, and that series of button presses starts again to remind me of the pattern so I can try again.
  5. I can see how many steps are in the current series of button presses.
  6. I can play in strict mode where if I get a button press wrong, it looses the game.
  7. I can win the game by getting a series of 20 steps correct.

Click for Demo & Code

Twitch App

ThitchTV App
    User stories:
  1. I can see whether Free Code Camp is currently streaming on
  2. I can click the status output and be sent directly to the Free Code Camp's channel.
  3. If a Twitch user is currently streaming, I can see additional details about what they are streaming.

Click for Demo & Code


JavaScript Calculator
    User stories:
  1. I can add, subtract, multiply and divide two numbers.
  2. I can clear the input field with a clear button.
  3. I can keep chaining mathematical operations together until I hit the equal button, and the calculator will tell me the correct output.

Click for Demo & Code

Local Weather App

Local Weather App
    User stories:
  1. I can see the weather in my current location.
  2. I can see a different icon or background image (e.g. snowy mountain, hot desert) depending on the weather.
  3. I can push a button to toggle between Fahrenheit and Celsius.

Click for Demo & Code

Random Quote Generator

Random quote generator
    User stories:
  1. I can click a button to show me a new random quote.
  2. I can press a button to tweet out a quote.

Click for Demo & Code

Pomodoro Clock

Pomodoro clock
    User stories:
  1. I can start a 25 minute pomodoro, and the timer will go off once 25 minutes has elapsed.
  2. I can reset the clock for my next pomodoro.
  3. I can customize the length of each pomodoro.

Click for Demo & Code

Wikipedia Viewer

Wikipedia viewer
    User stories:
  1. I can search Wikipedia entries in a search box and see the resulting Wikipedia entries.
  2. I can click a button to see a random Wikipedia entry.
  3. As a user, when I type in the search box, I can see a drop down menu with auto-complete options for matching Wikipedia entries.

Click for Demo & Code

Tennis Game

Tennis Game
    User stories:
  1. I can play tennis versus computer.
  2. Depending where the ball hits the platform, ball will jump accordingly.
  3. Whoever scores 3 points first, wins the game.

Click for Demo & Code

JavaScript Apps

Voting App

    User stories:

  • As an authenticated user, I can keep my polls and come back later to access them.
  • As an authenticated user, I can share my polls with my friends.
  • As an authenticated user, I can see the aggregate results of my polls.
  • As an authenticated user, I can delete polls that I decide I don't want anymore.
  • As an authenticated user, I can create a poll with any number of possible items.
  • As an unauthenticated or authenticated user, I can see and vote on everyone's polls.
  • As an unauthenticated or authenticated user, I can see the results of polls in chart form.
  • As an authenticated user, if I don't like the options on a poll, I can create a new option.

    Technologies used:

  • React
  • Redux
  • Bootstrap
  • Styled Components
  • Node.js
  • MongoDB

Chat App

    User stories:

  • Upon arrival I can type a name to join chat with.
  • Upon arrival I can type a room name to create.
  • If I enter room name that is already active, then I will join that room, else I will make new one.
  • I can join room from list of active rooms, if any exist.
  • When I join a room, admin will greet me.
  • When I join a room, everybody else is that room will get message that I have joined.
  • When I quit a room, everybody else is that room will get message that I have quit.
  • I can send my location to all participants by clicking a button.

    Technologies used:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Node.js
  • Express
  • Socket.IO